Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Joy (God’s Gift)
How to Make Instant Ramen Better
Hello there! I'm Betty.

I'm a small-town girl who has a passion for God, writing, traveling, and fashion. The Lord has taught me that there are different seasons of life that we go through. He has given us the gifts, talents, and passions that we have in order to use it for the glory of God and in service of others. As we continue to learn about our purpose in the world, I find that we have a purpose in each moment of our lives. God has placed us exactly where He wants us to be. I would love to invite you into this community where we share the common goal of displaying the love and the light of Christ to the darkness of this world.

A Week in Nashville, TN: Church Planting Trip Edition
11 Lessons I Have Learned During Freshman Year of College

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